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在2565年前的今天,前551年9月28日 (农历冬月初十),孔子诞辰。



1.孔子 2.秦始皇 3.成吉思汗 4.毛泽东 5.孟子 6.隋文帝 7.老子 8.岳飞 9.祖冲之 10.蔡伦

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回复时间:10/27/2014 9:33:01 PM   IP:

  年龄 古代称谓、称呼 解释及出处 备注
1 0-1岁 孩提、襁褓 指初知发笑尚在襁褓中的幼儿,未满周岁的婴儿。
2 2-3岁 孩提 指初知发笑尚在襁褓中的幼儿。也有写作“孩提包”或“提孩”的,韩愈诗中就有“两家各生子,提孩巧相如”句。
3 7岁(女) 髫(tiaoˊ)年 幼童时期。古儿童尚未束发时自然下垂的短发,故称之,也称作“垂发”。
4 8岁 童龀[chèn]、总角 古代儿童将头发分作左右两半,在头顶各扎成一个结,形如两个羊角,故称“总角”,《说文》中有“男八月生齿、八岁而龀;女七月生齿、七岁而龀”的说法。可以看出,孩子乳牙脱落,长出恒牙,称为“龀”。“童龇”,往往是指人的儿童少年时期。
5 9岁 九龄 教数之年指儿童9岁。语出《礼记》。
6 10岁 黄口 10岁以下的少儿通称,即稚气未脱的男孩或女孩代称也。幼学之年、外傅之年,十岁称幼年可以出外就学。后来就称十岁为“幼学之年。”
7 12岁(女) 金钗之年 女孩子到了12岁就可以头带金钗
8 13岁(女) 豆蔻年华 多年生草本植物,产岭南,其花很美,尚未大开的花形如怀孕之身,南方人称为含胎花。诗文中常用以喻指少女,语出唐·杜牧《赠别》诗:“娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初。”后来人们常称女子十三、四岁为“豆蔻年华”。也用于比喻处女。
9 13-15岁(男) 舞勺之年 根据《礼记》的记载:勺,一种管乐器,古未成童者习之,舞勺指未成童者学习勺舞。舞勺之年也用作童年的代称。
10 14岁(女) “二七”之年 取二七一十四之意,如南朝陈后主《车飞伯劳歌》:“年时二七犹未笄,转顾流眄鬟鬓低。”
11 15岁(女) 及笄或笄年 “笄”[jī],即女子束发用的簪子。古时女子十五岁盘发插笄,表示已到出嫁年龄,故称。
12 15(男) 束发、成童、志学 男子15岁左右称“束发”或“成童”,这时应该学会各种技艺。《大戴礼记·保傅》:“束发而就大学,学大艺焉,履大节焉。古代男孩将头发由两髻(总角)束成一髻叫做“束发”,束发表示已到少年期,故又叫“成童”。
13 15-20(男) 舞象之年 “舞象”又是成童的代名词。原本是古武舞名。《礼记·内则》:“成童,舞象,学射御。”《疏》曰:“成童,谓十五以上;舞象,谓舞武也。熊氏云:‘谓用干戈之小舞也。’”也就是可以上战场了

14 16岁(女) 破瓜年华、碧玉年华 女子16岁称为“破瓜”、“及瓜”。“瓜”字可以分剖成两个“八”字,“破瓜”就是把瓜字拆开,二八一十六,故称。女子十六岁还可称“碧玉年”。如唐·李群玉《醉后赠冯姬》诗:“桂影浅拂梁家熏,瓜字初分碧玉年。”
15 18岁(女) “二九” 女子18岁可称“二九”。《初刻拍案惊奇》:“韩子文……年过二九,尚未有亲。”本来男女皆可用,但诗文中多用于女子。
16 20岁(男) 弱冠、七尺、弱冠、始冠、及冠、冠岁、加冠、冠年 男子20岁称“弱冠”。典出《礼记·曲礼》上:“二十曰弱,冠。”孔颖达进一步注解说:“二十成人,初加冠,体犹未壮,故曰弱冠。”弱,年少;古代男子二十岁算作成人,要举行加冠礼,故称。
17 20岁(女) 桃李年华 待年:指女子成年待嫁,又称“待字”。语出《后汉书·曹皇后记》“小者待年于国”。以后称女子待嫁的年岁为“待年”。
18 24岁(女) 花信年华 花信,开花时期。指女子的年龄到了二十四岁。也泛指女子的年龄正处在年轻貌美之时。
19 至婚嫁年龄(女) 摽梅之年 比喻女子适婚年龄。而多误写为“标梅之年”。
20 30岁(男) 而立、立年、始立、始室、壮室 30岁称“而立”之年。语出《论语·为政》:“三十而立。”后代称30岁为“而立之年”。而立之年:指三十岁。而立是男子三十岁(立,“立身、立志”之意)。
21 30(女) 半老徐娘 称年老而尚有风韵的妇女
22 40岁(男) 不惑之年、强壮之年 遇到事情能明辨不疑。以此作为40岁的代称。语出《论语·为政》:“四十而不惑”,《礼记·曲礼》上:“四十曰强,而仕。”孔颖达疏:“强有二义:一则四十不惑,是智虑强;二则气力强也。”
23 50岁 半百、知非之年、知命之年、艾服之年、及艾之年、大衍之年、杖家之年 半百即50,人人皆知,但多指岁数,如年已半百,年近半百等。50岁又称“知非”之年。《淮南子原道》:“故蘧伯玉年五十,而有四十九年非。”50岁又称“知命”之年。语出《论语·为政》:“五十而知天命。”知命指认识天命,按现在的说法,应为认识自然的法则。
24 51岁 “开六” 古人称老年人年龄进入一个新阶段谓之“年开”。十年为一秩,开六即第六秩的开始。况周颐所著《蕙风词话续编》卷一:“近人称寿五十一岁曰开六,六十一岁曰开七。”

25 60岁 花甲、平头甲子、耳顺之年、杖乡之年 古时用干支纪年为六甲子。因为它以天干与地支依次循环搭配,六十周而复始,所以也称“花甲子”、或“花甲”。后来也用“花甲”或“花甲子”代称60岁。
26 61岁 开七、华甲 华甲的甲,即甲子的甲,华字的繁体字可分为六个十字和一个一字,所以称61岁为“华甲”。
27 64岁 破瓜 因瓜字可分为“八八”两字,取八八六十四之意,故用为64岁的代称。
28 70岁 古稀、杖国之年、致事之年、致政之年 语出杜甫《曲江》诗之二:“酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。”,后来人们就用“古稀”或“稀年”作为七十岁的代称。
29 71岁 开八 白居易《喜老自嘲》诗:“行开第八秩,可谓尽天年。”

30 77岁 喜寿 因喜字的草体似七十七三字组成,所以这么称呼。

31 80岁

32 88岁 米寿 因米字可以分为八十八三个字,所以称八十八为米寿。
33 80-90岁 耄耋之年 耄耋(mào dié)80~90岁称耄和耋,也用作对老年人的泛称。尢以九十岁称谓多。 语出《汉·曹操·对酒歌》:“耄耋皆得以寿终,恩泽广及草木昆虫。”
34 90岁 望九、鲐背之年 明人吴晋《与林茂之前辈书》:“先生以望九之年,犹灯下书头字。”九秩、九龄、鲐背(台背、驼背)之年、鲵齿之年、黄耈之年、黄发之年、眉寿之年、冻梨之年、齯:90岁。
35 100岁 期颐、人瑞 100岁“期颐”。语出《礼记·曲礼》上:“百年曰期,颐。”郑玄注解说:“期颐,犹要也;颐,养也。不知衣服食味,孝子要尽养道而已。”期待的“期”就是需要的要。
36 人死时的年龄称为“终年”、“卒年”或“落年”。其中“落年”不大常见。宋人罗泌所著《路史后记七小昊》曰:“小昊青阳氏……在位八十有四载,落年一百有一。”小青阳氏,指传说中黄帝的儿子之一,东夷集团的首领。

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主题:习近平主席在布鲁日欧洲学院演讲全文 中英文
  习近平主席在布鲁日欧洲学院演讲全文 中英文

在布鲁日欧洲学院的演讲Speech at the College of Europe

中华人民共和国主席 习近平
H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

Bruges, 1 April 2014


Your Majesties King Philippe and Queen Mathilde,
President Herman Van Rompuy,
Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo,
President Inigo Mendez de Vigo,
Rector Jorg Monar,
Diplomatic Envoys,
Faculty Members,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good morning! It is a great pleasure for me to come to the College of Europe and meet with faculty members and students. First of all, my warm greetings and best wishes to you and all those in Europe who have shown interest in and support to the development of China.


In the Flemish language, Bruges means “bridge”. A bridge not only makes life more convenient; it could also be a symbol of communication, understanding and friendship. I have come to Europe to build, together with our European friends, a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Eurasian continent.


Before coming here, I visited a Volvo plant in Ghent together with King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Volvo Cars Ghent, the largest car manufacturer in Belgium, has become a model of economic and technological cooperation between China, Belgium and Sweden. It has actually set up a bridge linking Chinese investment with European technology. What it leads to is mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.


The College of Europe was created after the end of World War II as a result of people’s reflection of the war and their yearning for peace. Human history has far too often been haunted by the specter of war. Having suffered from the calamity of World War II, people in Europe began to think over about their past misery and started to unite, under the leadership of statesmen like Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman, in a joint pursuit for lasting peace and prosperity.


After more than half a century of development, the College today not only serves as an important think tank for the European Union. It is also seen as the cradle of political elites of Europe. In the words of Mr. Van Rompuy, the College has always been “at the heart of European integration” and is in itself an expression of the faith in Europe born “out of the ruins of war”.


Faculty Members,


In 1949 when the College of Europe was established, the People’s Republic of China was founded, heralding a new historical era in the development of the Chinese nation. Later in 1975, late Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and Sir Christopher Soames, acting on their assessment of the world situation then, decided that China and the European Economic Community should establish diplomatic relations. Today, China and the EU have a comprehensive strategic partnership. We have established dialogue and consultation mechanisms in over 60 areas. Our trade last year reached 559.1 billion US dollars. Over five million visits are exchanged each year. And about 300,000 of our students are studying overseas either in Europe or in China. The relationship between China and the EU has become one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.


Having said that, we should not forget that there is still greater room for the growth of China-EU relations and the potential is yet to be fully tapped. To move our relationship forward, China needs to know more about Europe, and Europe needs to know more about China. For any country in the world, the past always holds the key to the present and the present is always rooted in the past. Only when we know where a country has come from, could we possibly understand why the country is what it is today, and only then could we realize in which direction it is heading.


So let me use this opportunity to describe to you what a country China is. I hope it will be helpful to you as you try to observe, understand and study China. Of course, a thorough account of the country would be too big a topic for today, so I will just focus on the following few features of China.


First, China has a time-honored civilization. Of the world’s ancient civilizations, the Chinese civilization has continued uninterrupted to this day. In fact, it has spanned over 5,000 years. The Chinese characters, invented by our ancestors several millennia ago, are still used today. Over 2,000 years ago, there was an era of great intellectual accomplishments in China, which is referred to as “the period of one hundred masters and schools of thought”. Great thinkers such as Laozi, Confucius and Mozi, to name just a few, explored a wide range of topics from the universe to the Earth, and from man’s relations with nature to relations amongst human beings and to that between the individual and society. The extensive and profound schools of thought they established covered many important ideas, such as the moral injunction of fidelity to one’s parents and brothers and to the monarch and friends, the sense of propriety, justice, integrity and honor, the emphasis on benevolence and kindness towards fellow human beings and the belief that man should be in harmony with nature, follow nature’s course and unremittingly pursue self-renewal. These values and teachings still carry a profound impact on Chinese people’s way of life today, underpinning the unique value system in the Chinese outlook of the world, of society and of life itself. And this unique and time-honored intellectual legacy has instilled a strong sense of national confidence in the Chinese people and nurtured a national spirit with patriotism at the very core.


Second, China has gone through many vicissitudes. For several thousand years before the industrial revolution, China had been leading the world in economic, technological and cultural development. However, feudal rulers of the 18th and 19th centuries closed the door of China in boastful ignorance and China was since left behind in the trend of development. The country was subdued to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. As a result of incessant foreign invasions thereafter, China experienced great social turmoil and its people had to lead a life of extreme destitution. Poverty prompted the call for change and people experiencing turmoil aspired for stability. After a hundred years of persistent and unyielding struggle, the Chinese people, sacrificing tens of millions of lives, ultimately took their destiny back into their own hands. Nevertheless, the memory of foreign invasion and bullying has never been erased from the minds of the Chinese people, and that explains why we cherish so dearly the life we lead today. The Chinese people want peace; we do not want war. This is the reason why China follows an independent foreign policy of peace. China is committed to non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and China will not allow others to interfere in its own affairs. This is the position we have upheld in the past. It is what we will continue to uphold in the future.


Third, China is a socialist country with Chinese characteristics. In 1911, the revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen overthrew the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for several thousand years. But once the old system was gone, where China would go became the question. The Chinese people then started exploring long and hard for a path that would suit China’s national conditions. They experimented with constitutional monarchy, imperial restoration, parliamentarism, multi-party system and presidential government, yet nothing really worked. Finally, China took on the path of socialism. Admittedly, in the process of building socialism, we have had successful experience and also made mistakes. We have even suffered serious setbacks. After the “reform and opening-up” was launched under the leadership of Mr. Deng Xiaoping, we have, acting in line with China’s national conditions and the trend of the times, explored and blazed a trail of development and established socialism with Chinese characteristics. Our aim is to build a socialist market economy, democracy, an advanced culture, a harmonious society and a sound eco-system, uphold social equity and justice, promote all-round development of the people, pursue peaceful development, complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and eventually achieve modernization and ensure prosperity for all. The uniqueness of China’s cultural tradition, history and circumstances determines that China needs to follow a development path that suits its own reality. In fact, we have found such a path and achieved success along this path.


Fourth, China is the world’s biggest developing country. China has made historic progress in development. It is now the second largest economy in the world. It has achieved in several decades what took developed countries several centuries to achieve. This is, without doubt, a proud achievement for a country whose population exceeds 1.3 billion. In the meantime, we are clearly aware that the large size of the Chinese economy, when divided by 1.3 billion, sends China to around the 80th place in terms of per capita GDP. In China, over 74 million people rely on basic living allowances; each year, more than 10 million urban people would join the job market and several hundred million rural people need to be transferred to non-agricultural jobs and settle down in urban areas; more than 85 million people are with disabilities; and more than 200 million people are still living under the poverty line set by the World Bank, and that is roughly the population of France, Germany and the UK combined. In the 40-day-long season of the last Chinese New Year, China’s airlines, railroads and highways transported 3.6 billion passengers, which means 90 million people were on the move each day. Therefore, to make the lives of the 1.3 billion Chinese people more comfortable requires still arduous efforts for years to come. Economic development remains the top priority for China, and we still need to work on that basis to achieve social progress in all areas.


Fifth, China is a country undergoing profound changes. Our ancestors taught us that “as heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection”, and that “if one can make things better for one day, he should make them better every day”. Being faced with fierce international competition is like sailing against the current. One either forges ahead or falls behind. Reform, which was first forced upon us by problems, goes deeper in addressing the problems. We know keenly that reform and opening-up is an ongoing process that will never stop. China’s reform has entered a deep water zone, where problems crying to be resolved are all difficult ones. What we need is the courage to move the reform forward. To use a Chinese saying, we must “get ready to go into the mountain, being fully aware that there may be tigers to encounter”. The principle we have laid down for reform is to act with courage while moving forward with steady steps. As we say in China, he who wants to accomplish a big and difficult undertaking should start with easier things first and make sure that all details are attended to. With the deepening of reform, China will continue to undergo profound changes. I believe that our efforts of deepening reform comprehensively will not only provide strong momentum for China’s modernization drive, but also bring new development opportunities to the world.


To observe and understand China properly, one needs to bear in mind both China’s past and present and draw reference from both China’s accomplishments and the Chinese way of thinking. The 5,000-year-long Chinese civilization, the 170-year struggle by the Chinese people since modern times, the 90-year-plus journey of the Communist Party of China, the 60-year-plus development of the People’s Republic and the 30-year-plus reform and opening-up should all be taken into account. They each make an integral part of China’s history, and none should be taken out of the historical context. One can hardly understand China well without a proper understanding of China’s history, culture, the Chinese people’s way of thinking and the profound changes taking place in China today.


The world’s development is multi-dimensional, and its history is never a linear movement. China cannot copy the political system or development model of other countries, because it would not fit us and it might even lead to catastrophic consequences. The Chinese people, over 2,000 year ago, had come to understand this from a simple fact that the tasty orange, grown in southern China, would turn sour once it is grown in the north. The leaves may look the same, but the fruits taste quite different, because the north means different location and different climate.


A French writer once said that friends are transparent to friends because they exchange life. I hope what I just shared with you could draw for you a more transparent picture of China. I also sincerely hope that the College of Europe will produce a large number of talents who know and understand China well so as to provide a constant source of talent and intellectual support for the growth of China-Europe relations.

Faculty Members,


China and Europe may seem far apart geographically, but we are in fact in the same time and the same space. I even feel that we are close to each other, as if in the same neighborhood. Both China and Europe are in a crucial stage of development and facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As I just said, we hope to work with our European friends to build a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Eurasian continent. For that, we need to build four bridges for peace, growth, reform and progress of civilization, so that the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership will take on even greater global significance.


We need to build a bridge of peace and stability linking the two strong forces of China and the EU. China and the EU take up one tenth of the total area on Earth and one fourth of the world’s population. Together, we take three permanent seats on the Security Council of the United Nations. We all need peace, multilateralism and dialogue, instead of war, unilateralism and confrontation. We need to enhance communication and coordination on global issues and play a key role in safeguarding world peace and stability. Civilization and culture can spread, so can peace and development. China stands ready to work with the EU to let the sunlight of peace drive away the shadow of war and the bonfire of prosperity warm up the global economy in the cold early spring, and enable the whole mankind to embark on the path of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.


We need to build a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets of China and the EU. China and the EU are the two most important major economies in the world with our combined economy accounting for one third of the global economy. We must uphold open market, speed up negotiations on the investment agreement, actively explore the possibility of a free trade area, and strive to achieve the ambitious goal of bringing two-way trade to one trillion US dollars by 2020. We should also study how to dovetail China-EU cooperation with the initiative of developing the Silk Road economic belt so as to integrate the markets of Asia and Europe, energize the people, businesses, capital and technologies of Asia and Europe, and make China and the EU the twin engines for global economic growth.


We need to build a bridge of reform and progress linking the reform processes in China and the EU. Both China and the EU are pursuing reforms that are unprecedented in human history, and both are sailing uncharted waters. We may enhance dialogue and cooperation on macro-economy, public policy, regional development, rural development, social welfare and other fields. We need to respect each other’s path of reform and draw upon each other’s reform experience. And we need to promote world development and progress through our reform efforts.


We need to build a bridge of common cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations of China and Europe. China represents in an important way the Eastern civilization, while Europe is the birthplace of the Western civilization. The Chinese people are fond of tea and the Belgians love beer. To me, the moderate tea drinker and the passionate beer lover represent two ways of understanding life and knowing the world, and I find them equally rewarding. When good friends get together, they may want to drink to their heart’s content to show their friendship. They may also choose to sit down quietly and drink tea while chatting about their life. In China, we value the idea of preserving “harmony without uniformity”, and here in the EU people stress the need to be “united in diversity”. Let us work together for all flowers of human civilizations to blossom together.


In spite of changes in the international landscape, China has always supported European integration and a bigger role in international affairs by a united, stable and prosperous EU. China will soon release its second EU policy paper to reiterate the high importance it places on the EU and on its relations with the EU. Last year, China and the EU jointly formulated the Strategic Agenda 2020 for China-EU Cooperation, setting out a host of ambitious goals for China-EU cooperation in nearly 100 areas. The two sides should work in concert to turn the blueprint into reality at an early date and strive for greater progress in China-EU relations in the coming decade.


Faculty Members,


The College of Europe has, in recent years, placed increasing importance on China. It has opened courses on Europe-China relations. It is also busy preparing for the launch of a Europe-China research center devoted to studies of Europe-China relations. China has decided to work with the College of Europe to build a “Chinese Library”, the first of its kind in an EU member country, and will provide, for the purpose of academic research, 10,000 books, videos and films on Chinese history, culture and the achievements China has made in various fields.


As we Chinese believe, one needs to not only read 10,000 books, but also travel 10,000 miles to know the world around us. I suggest that you go to China more often to see for yourselves what China is like. What you hear from others might be false, but what you see with your own eyes is real. China intends to work with the EU to bring the number of students exchanged between the two sides to 300,000 each year by 2020.


Young people are always energetic and full of dreams. They are the future of China, Europe and, indeed, of the world. I hope that Chinese and European students will perceive the world with equality, respect and love and treat different civilizations with appreciation, inclusiveness and the spirit of mutual learning. This way, you will promote mutual understanding and knowledge among the people of China, Europe and other parts of the world, and with your youthful energy and hard work, make our planet a better place to live in.


Thank you.

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回复时间:2014/11/20 12:17:48   IP:

Trifoliate Orange Orange Kesehatan Huainan, Huaibei lahir daun hanya mirip, pada kenyataannya, rasa yang berbeda. Mengapa ? Air dan perbedaan tanah juga.

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回复时间:2014/11/25 12:25:44   IP:

译者: lachris

尽管谷歌口袋里装有大把的钞票,最近针对YouTube的诉讼案件还是让人不得不考虑是否是时候把“管子”上喜爱的视频抢救出来存放在律师们看不到的地方——你的硬盘。 幸运的是,我们有大量工具可以将视频从YouTube下载下来并/或将YouTube视频转换成.flv以外的格式。它们都各有优缺点,很难说哪一种是最好的方法。因此,我们选择了23个确实可行的YouTube下载工具。以下就是这些工具,按各自运行的平台分类: 网站平台 1. YouTubeX 并没有很多功能,但是简单并且可行。它也提供让用户通过电子邮件与朋友分享YouTube视频的服务。不过,所有文件都命名为get_video,你必须手动在文件名后加上.flv。 www.youtubex.com 2. KeepVid 是另一个简便的网站。不复杂,除YouTube以外还可以下载.....
1. YouTubeX 并没有很多功能,但是简单并且可行。它也提供让用户通过电子邮件与朋友分享YouTube视频的服务。不过,所有文件都命名为get_video,你必须手动在文件名后加上.flv。
2. KeepVid 是另一个简便的网站。不复杂,除YouTube以外还可以下载很多其他网站上的视频,包括Google Video、MySpace Video、DailyMotion等。不过同样的,你必须手动添上.flv后缀。
3. VideoDownloader 跟KeepVid非常相似,只是它支持更多的视频分享网站,并且它可以作为火狐浏览器的插件使用。跟KeepVid一样,所有下载的文件都是.flv格式的。我们推荐使用MediaCoder免费转换视频格式。
4. YouTube Downloads 无疑是最长域名竞赛的头奖获得者。但它也因使用代理服务器下载视频与众不同。即时YouTube在你的工作场所或居住地被封锁了,你也可能下到里面的视频。只要利用谷歌搜索到YouTube视频的链接,将其复制粘贴到YouTube Downloads就可以了。
5. Zamzar 是一个文件格式转换网站。它可以把YouTube的视频转换为其他格式并下载到你的硬盘当中,不仅如此,它还有许多其他的用处。但由于它实在很实用,我们必须把它添加在此。已彻底测试并强烈推荐。点击观看使用过程视频。
6. YouTubia 的与众不同之处在于它让用户可以搜索YouTube的视频并且下载。功能不多,但有用。
7. VidGrab 是又一个简单的视频下载网站,它适用于YouTube、Google Video、MySpace和Break.com。除了下载功能之外,它还提供了观看次数最多视频的表单。
8. Vixy 同时提供视频下载和格式转换服务,它可将视频转换为DivX avi、mov、mp4、3gp或者mp3格式[只有音频]。转换效果还不错,但有时会出现轻微颤动回放。
9. Hey! Watch 是个野心勃勃的视频编码服务网站,它提供非常多的选择,尤其是将视频转换为可移动播放器格式的时候[它甚至支持艾河H340播放器]。大多数在线转换器常常出现效果不好,影音不同步的状况。Hey! Watch也不例外,不过这种状况极少发生。
10. Media Converter 的工作效率会比较慢,但是视频转换的效果相当不错。我们将一些YouTube视频转换为avi格式[mpeg4加上mp3],效果很好。这个工具不仅限于视频格式转换,它也支持一些音频及文档格式。
11. KcoolOnline 是一个在线格式转换器,它支持YouTube在内的98个视频分享网站。他完全不提供其他服务,因此对喜欢简单的人来说值得一试。
12. VDownloader 是一个桌面应用软件,它可以从你的剪贴板中抓出YouTube、Google Video和Grinvi的视频链接。运行软件,复制视频链接,然后点击下载。它会自动将视频转换为mpeg或avi格式。
13. YouTube Grabber 下载YouTube的视频为.flv格式。将视频链接复制粘贴到程序中,点击&
14. Orbit Downloader 是一个桌面应用软件,支持多个视频网站的下载。下载过程非常简单,只要将鼠标移到视频上面,这时会出现一个按钮,上面写着&
171;Get It&
15. My Video Downloader。在那么多免费工具存在的情况下,这么一款收费软件看起来实在很滑稽。它叫做My Video Downloader[我的视频下载器]。尽管它看起来的确很专业,也提供多种转换服务[免费使用期允许用户下载10个视频],我不觉得它的服务足以让用户愿意掏腰包。
16. KeepV 是一款桌面应用软件,它既可以下载,也可以将.flv视频转换为avi、mov、mp4或3gp格式。
17. VideoGet 声称可以从100个以上视频分享网站上下载视频。我们没有全部测试过,所以姑且先这么认为。它是一款外型美观简洁的桌面应用软件,并提供很多不同服务。
18. TubeSucker 是一款桌面YouTube视频下载软件。它有一些有趣的功能,包括批量下载某个特定用户的大量视频等。到这个网站上看看演示吧。
OS X平台
19. Get Tube 是一款以OS X为平台的应用软件,它可以从YouTube、DailyMotion和Kewego下载视频或音频文件。
20. Youtube-dl. 我们也没忘记给Linux用户一点关爱。Youtube-dl是一款可将YouTube视频下载为flv文件的程序。视频可方便的使用mplayer和VLC播放。
21. YouTube Ripper 事实上不是一个应用软件,它只是一段程序语言,可以抓出某一特定用户上传的视频中符合一个关键词的所有视频。老实说我们完全不知道怎么使用它,但也许你行!PHP端口也是支持的。
22. Vidtaker 仅支持火狐浏览器。它可以从大多数流媒体视频网站上下载视频,包括Google Video、YouTube、MySpace,也包括一些不健康的成人视频“某Tube”网站[Pornotube、YouPorn等]。它自动将视频转换为DivX avi格式。
23. Ook? Video Ook! 是的,这是这款火狐浏览器插件的全名。它可以从YouTube以及其他一些视频分享网站上下载视频。它的特色是一键下载功能以及同火狐的热门插件DownThemAll的合并功能。

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