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发表时间:2006-10-26 9:48:32   IP:




标题 澳商求购汽车液化气改装套件
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Aussie Gas Converters
联系人 Mr. Bob Wingate
电话 +61 2 9648 1597
传真 +61 2 9648 5833
E-mail aussiegasconversions@yahoo.com.au
详细内容 We seek quality manufacturers of LPG conversion Kits


标题 澳商寻广东不锈钢生产商合作
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Clean Water For Life Foundation
联系人 Mr. Leslie Chorch
电话 +61 7 5499 0419
E-mail cleanwaterforlife@globalmaps.com.au
详细内容 looking for stainless steel manufacturers in Guangdong


标题 澳商求购露营帐篷等
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 BigfootCamel Group
联系人 Mr. Norman Hudson
电话 +61 7 3875 1173
传真 +61 7 3875 1173
E-mail jabiru66@westnet.com.au
详细内容 Looking for offshore camper trailer tent and camping tent manufacturing, also caravan manufacturer


标题 澳商求购ABS塑料加机械
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Stirling Cabinets
联系人 Mr.McKercher/Gordon
电话 +61 8 9430 6789
传真 +61 8 9430 6728
E-mail gomac@westnet.com.au
详细内容 We are currently communicating with four machinery Manufacturers in China with the intention of visiting their factories sometime between 6 ? 10th of November, These Companies include ? Beijing Artisman Technology Corp. (Haidian District, Beijing, China), Jinan Shinghui CNC Technology CO, LTD. (Shandong Province), Jinan Jinshengxing Machinery Manufacture Co. (Shandong Province) and Shanghai Bujing Woodworking Machinery Co, Ltd. (Shanghai?).These manufacturers produce one type of machine, being CNC Flat Bed Routers, which we would like to inspect and perhaps purchase? We also need another type of machine which can apply a 2mm ABS edge tape to the internal and external curved edges (or radii) of furniture components and we have not been able to find a manufacturer of these at this stage. If you can assist us in locating such a manufacturer we would be very grateful.


标题 俄罗斯外商急购CD或DVD产品
行业 电子电器
国别地区 欧洲-俄罗斯
厂商 Audioservice Ltd., - Moscow/ Russia
传真 +7 (495) 3552392
详细内容 (blank DVDs and CDs in particular)


标题 墨西哥企业求购钢板
行业 综合交易
国别地区 拉美及加勒比地区-墨西哥
厂商 Outsourcing Engineering Services S.C.
联系人 Mr. Rodrigo L?ez Sansalvador
电话 52-442 2151750, 2164010
传真 52-442 2151750, 2164010
E-mail rodlop@oes.com.mx
地址 Av. Universidad 286 Pte.Quer?aro, Qro.M?ico.C.P. 76140
详细内容 该墨西哥企业希望从中国进口54吨钢板,具体规格如下:

DIN 16Mo3或接近B级ASTM A-204


标题 墨西哥企业求购床垫
行业 综合交易
国别地区 拉美及加勒比地区-墨西哥
电话 52-866 6331211
传真 52-866 6331211
E-mail rubenrodriguezp@colcholandya.com
地址 de la fuente
215 local 1 zona centro monclova.coauhila mexico
详细内容 该墨西哥企业希望从中国进口床垫,希望有兴趣的企业直接与Mr. RODRIGUEZ联系,提供具体型号和价格。


标题 法公司求购挖掘机
行业 机电设备
国别地区 欧洲-法国
E-mail j.debellescize@online.fr
详细内容 该公司求购轮式挖掘机,型号与Liebherr A 309 Litronic 和 KOMATZU PW110P-1 类似。


标题 俄罗斯公司求购宠物用品
行业 综合交易
国别地区 欧洲-俄罗斯
厂商 “Cats and Dogs”
联系人 Vladimir Lazarev
电话 007 495 5803535
传真 007 495 5803580
网站 www.catsdogs.ru
E-mail lazarev@zoomail.ru
地址 Moscow
详细内容 除饲食,药品,宠物卫生美容用品之外所有有关家庭宠物用品。


标题 法国外商求购金属盒
行业 机电设备
国别地区 欧洲-法国
厂商 ID Distribution Conseils
联系人 Petitjean Laetitia
电话 (86 10) 65087913, 13436396365
网站 www.laposte.net
E-mail Laetitia.petitjean@laposte.net
详细内容 Machinist able to produce automobile parts & Company able to produce metallic boxes

Product:Sleeve, Brace, pin…. & metallic boxes


标题 土耳其外商求购橡胶原料
行业 化工医药
国别地区 亚洲-土耳其
厂商 YAZGAN Plastic Co.
联系人 Erhan YAZGAN
电话 +90 212 289 84 00
传真 +90 212 289 84 00
网站 http://www.yaksu.com.tr
E-mail info@yaksu.com.tr erhan.yazgan@yaksu.com.tr
地址 Imamcesme Cad. 14/2 34418 Seyrantepe / Istanbul, TURKEY
详细内容 YAZGAN Plastic Co. founded in 1978, are in tyre manufacturing business and using carbon black material. We want to import N550,SBR-1502 syntetic rubber material and wish to start a business relationship with China.


标题 澳商求购保安设备等
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Australian Health & Safety Supplies
联系人 Mr. Jim Honan
电话 +61 7 3272 3919
传真 +61 7 3272 3992
网站 www.safetysupplies.com.au
E-mail info@safetysupplies.com.au
详细内容 we need information on manufacturers of safety supplies


标题 澳商求购热毛巾架
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Caloratek Distributors
联系人 Mr. Jason Donald
电话 +61 2 6953 4225
传真 +61 2 6953 7135
E-mail maximgroup@gotalk.net.au
详细内容 Looking for heated towel rails and radiators and heated panel for home and industry use. All heating products. (please use pdf fils if contact me through email)


标题 澳商求购冷冻和罐头食品
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 NAFDA Australian Foodservice Distribution
联系人 Mr. Colin Plowman
电话 +61 2 9633 9999
传真 +61 2 9633 9997
网站 www.nafda.com.au
E-mail cplowman@nafda.com.au
详细内容 We are sending a buying team to China on the 20th October 2006 to visit Seafood processing operations in Zhangjiang, Shantou, Qingdao .
Whilst there, we would also like to make contact with Companies who process frozen/tinned food products in the following categories: Vegetables, Fruit, Fish and FFP. With the view of establishing production/supply relations.
As we are leaving in 3 weeks time your attention to this matter is urgently required.


标题 美商求购纺织服装
行业 纺织服饰
国别地区 北美-美国
厂商 Letap Uniforms Mfg.Corp.
联系人 Dilip Patel
电话 832 443 2106
E-mail letapuniforms@yahoo.com
地址 17431 Bamwood Dr., Houston, TX 77090
详细内容 Garment


标题 法商寻建筑商
行业 其他行业
国别地区 欧洲-法国
联系人 Robert GIAT
电话 0033 4 7162 1903; 0033 6 7111 3905
E-mail robert.giat@wanadoo.fr
详细内容 该公司欲在非洲建造住房,希望寻找一些中国建筑商。


标题 法国公司寻安全鞋制造商
行业 轻工
国别地区 欧洲-法国
电话 0033 4 7226 7272
传真 0033 4 7226 5170
网站 www.sacla-france.com
E-mail contact@sacla-tm.com
详细内容 该公司主要经营劳保产品,希望寻找一家安全鞋生产厂家,要求其生产的安全鞋符合欧盟标准,且技术含量高,性能质量好。


标题 西班牙外商欲从中国进口真空阀等产品
行业 机电设备
国别地区 欧洲-西班牙
电话 34 943 445080
传真 34 943 445153
E-mail igongalez@aircontrol.es
详细内容 pneumatic cylinders
pneumatic valves


标题 澳商求购乙醇制造设备
行业 综合交易
信息源 信函
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 KoAl Pty Ltd T/A Natbio Solutions
联系人 Richard Anderson
电话 +61 7 3392 9824
传真 +61 7 3392 9718
网站 www.natbiosoutions.com
E-mail richard.anderson@natbiosolutions.com
详细内容 Grain Roller Mill.
A] Cracking ]
B] Flaking ] For small Ethanol Plant
A] Specification: To be able to run 24 hours/day 7 days per week for 10 months p.a. Grains are sorghum, wheat or barley. First phase cracking rolls the product will be at ambient temperature and approximately 22% moisture content. 3 flow rates of small plant options.
1] 1.5 TPH
2] 3.0 TPH
3] 4.6 TPH
B] Specification: To be able to run 24 hours/day 7 days per week for 10 months p.a. Grains are sorghum, wheat or barley. Second phase flaking rollers similar to a breakfast cereal wheat flake. The product will be at ambient temperature and the moisture content will be to suit the optimum for flaking but approximately 25% to 30% moisture content.
1] 1.6 TPH
2] 3.2 TPH
3] 4.0 TPH
Grain Conditioning
1. 1st stage grain conditioner complete with heated/insulated jacket to be able to pull vacuum and add water/marinade and mix to the following grains: Wheat, barley, sorghum and corn. Raise moisture content from 22% to 30% for three different capacities. Plant to run 24 hpd for 10 months p.a.
A] 1.5 TPH add 100 L/Hr marinade.
B] 3.0 TPH add 200 L/Hr marinade.
C] 4.6 TPH add 300 L/Hr marinade.
Note ? grain would be lightly cracked (density approximately 550 Kg/m³)
Retention times in vessel minimum 15 minutes/batch say 3 cycles per hour.
2. 2nd stage grain conditioner/hydrolysis unit complete with heated/insulated water jacked to be able to add water/enzyme solution (vacuum not required). Mix with a flaked product/grain. These grains may be ? wheat, barley, sorghum and corn. The plant to run 24 hours per day and 10 months per year.
3 different capacities.
A] 1.6 TPH adding 267 L/Hr water/enzyme mix.
B] 3.2 TPH adding 534 L/Hr water/enzyme mix.
C] 4.9 TPH adding 800 L/Hr water enzyme mix.
Subject to further tests we expect to need a retention time of 2 hours.
Liquid/Solids ? Basket Centrifuge ? self cleaning type.
Capable of taking the treated grain and in the first run (batch) extract starch/glucose broth. Then second run add 2 pulses of chilled water to ensure maximum glucose washed out of grain. As previously we will want to be able to handle any of the grains such as wheat, barley, sorghum and corn. Also we have 3 plant sizes.
A] Input 1.9 TPH add 133 L/Hr 2 stage flush water output of 400 Kg/Hr solids and 1.6 TPH liquid.
B] Input 3.8 TPH add 266 L/Hr 2 stage flush water output of 800 Kg/Hr solids and 3.2 TPH liquid.
C] Input 5.7 TPH add 400 L/Hr 2 stage flush water output of 1200 Kg solids and 4.9 TPH liquid.
A water jacketed vessel that would be capable of taking a series of batches per hour from the centrifuge of glucose broth, add yeast and yeast booster continuously and using Co2 continuously strip 45% ethanol and recover excess Co2. Operate at low temperature of say <50ºC. Be able to discharge periodically the wet distilled grain solids.
3 different sizes are proposed.
A] 1.6 TPH input stripping 1.3 TPH/45% ethanol with approximately 67 Kg/Hr of WDGS.
B] 3.2 TPH input stripping 2.6 TPH/45% ethanol with approximately 134 Kg/Hr of WDGS.
C] 4.9 TPH input stripping 3.8 TPH/45% ethanol with approximately 200 Kg/Hr of WDGS.
To be able to distil 45% ethanol to 95% ethanol with the minimum of extra heating and cooling preferably an option by using microwave technology. (Standard system would be acceptable).
There are 3 sizes of plant that we require quotes for.
A] Input 1.3 TPH of 45% ethanol for an output of 0.7 TPH of 95% ethanol.
B] Input 2.6 TPH of 45% ethanol for an output of 1.4 TPH of 95% ethanol.
C] Input 3.8 TPH of 45% ethanol for an output of 2.0 TPH of 95% ethanol.
A membrane sieve to produce 99.8% dry ethanol from 95% ethanol.
Quote for 3 duties:
A] Input 0.7 TPH 95% ethanol.
B] Input 1.4 TPH 95% ethanol
C] Input 2 TPH 95% ethanol


标题 澳商求购人造大理石制造机械
行业 综合交易
信息源 信函
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 AIST International Pry Ltd
联系人 Michael Ryvchin
电话 +61 2 8327 1087
传真 +61 2 9349 5810
E-mail aist@rykono,com.au
详细内容 I would like to buy machinery for manufacturing artificial marble


标题 澳商寻CAD制作服务公司合作
行业 综合交易
信息源 Email
国别地区 大洋洲-东萨摩亚
厂商 Design Assist Partners
联系人 Mr. Justin McCarthy
电话 +61 3 9489 8984
网站 www.designassistpartners.com.au
E-mail contact@designassistpartners.com.au
详细内容 DAP supply CAD services to its Australian clients through suppliers in China. They currently seek skilled consulting mechanical engineering companies with in-house CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) capabilities. Skills to include stress analysis, FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and plastic mold flow experience. The ability to understand the engineering aspects and interpreting the results is essential. English communication skills at a project level are preferred


标题 澳商求购健身器材
行业 综合交易
信息源 Email
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Active Therapy Australia
联系人 Mr. Phillip Keam
电话 +61 7 3286 4152
传真 +61 7 3286 4152
E-mail plifkeam@iprimus.com.au
详细内容 we are looking for Chinese manufacturers of massage, physio and exercise products.


标题 澳商求购清洁用品
行业 综合交易
信息源 Email
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Smartkleen Pty Ltd
联系人 Mr. Graig martin
电话 +61 2 8824 5757
传真 +61 2 9836 4870
网站 www.smartkleen.com.au
E-mail smartin@smartechconcents.com.au
详细内容 we require assistance in finding manufacturers/suppliers of cleaning products such as paper products, mops, buckets, cleaning cloths, cleaning chemicals etc. commercial vacuum cleaners. commercial scrubbing and polishing machines, wet dry cacuums etc.


标题 澳商锌回收项目寻合作
行业 综合交易
信息源 Email
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Smorgon Steel
联系人 Jeff Neave
电话 +61 2 4967 0553
传真 +61 2 4967 0575
网站 www.smorgonsteel.com.au
E-mail jneave@smorgonsteel.com.au
详细内容 Our Company has the following waste products available for recycling:
EAF Slag:
By-product of Arc Furnace operation containing:
Iron, Fe (total)-21%
CaO - 33%
SiO2 - 16%
Al2O3 - 6%
MnO - 5%
MgO - 5%
More detail available on request.

Our Company has the following waste products available for recycling:

EAF Dust:
Fine dust containing Zinc and Iron.

ZnO - 40%
FeO and Fe2O3 - 27%
Pb - 2%.
More detail available on request

Our Company has the following waste products available for recycling:

Mill Scale:
Metallic by-product of steel mill. Fine granular material containing:

Iron oxide ? 70% (FeO, Fe2O3)
More detail available on request


标题 澳商求购时尚男女成衣
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
联系人 Miss Suba Leopillai
电话 +61 3 9601 7375
E-mail subashini_pillai@yahoo.com
详细内容 i want to import ladies and gents latest fashion garments


标题 澳商求购干冰清洗机
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
联系人 Mr. Emmett O'brien
电话 +61 7 4957 3422
传真 +61 7 4953 1220
E-mail eob@mackay.net.au
详细内容 Need to make contact with a China based stainless steel manufacturer of CO2 Dryice Abrasive Blasting Equipment.


标题 澳商求购Horse Float
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Universal Pathway Pty Ltd
联系人 Mr. Mark Browne
电话 +61 2 4626 2632
E-mail mark28@bigpond.net.au
详细内容 We are seeking a factory in China for the manufacture of large volumes of horse floats for the Australian market. We have an agreement with an Australian company for the supply of floats to over 50 agents across the country. We have progressed to a point where we need to access a company in China that can provide the volume and quality we require.
We have complete working drawings and a full bill of materials for the purpose of pricing and constructing prototype floats.
We are happy to provide our specialist in manufacturing to work with the factory for full training purposes.
We would like to visit a short list of factories in China so we can finalize arrangements and get production underway.


标题 澳商寻乙醇生产、制锁、发电设备和农产品加工厂合作
行业 综合交易
国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Pacific Biz International
联系人 Mr. Reaz Hyder
电话 +61 4 1070 1836
传真 +61 2 9758 1981
E-mail reazuhyder@hotmail.com
详细内容 Ethanol producing plant:- Small ethanol producing plant blended with diesel to run diesel based water irrigation pumps ? which could be established in a short period of time & mobilized within the rural areas of Bangladesh (BD). i) The contact address & person of this type of plant manufacturers & ii) the total cost of this type of industrial plant on turn key basis.

Lock & Security Access devices:-Electronic locks and security devices and plants for corporate offices, shops & apartments. i) The manufacturers contact address & ii) the total cost of this type of industrial plant on turn key basis.

Joint venture Projects in BD:? As BD has been able to attract foreign investors on a large volume mostly from South & South East Asian countries for last few years. Besides, joint venture projects in BD are flourishing very successfully for the last few years. Therefore, we are seriously interested to expand our business in BD via joint venture from the genuinely interested parties from China. Nevertheless to mention the cultural bond between BD and China over thousands of years.

Power generation plants:- Like I.P.S (in order to provide back up electricity during the power failure from 2 to 4 hours):- i) the I.P.S plant manufacturers in china, ii) the total cost of the plant (including battery) on turn key basis & iii) any other back up power generator plant manufacturers unlike gas or diesel generator.

Agro based plants:? i) The manufacturers of agro based industrial plants like pineapple, sugarcane & guava etc. (fruit & juice processing plants) & ii) the total cost of these types of industrial plants on turn key basis.


标题 印度外商欲在中国采购电器
行业 电子电器
国别地区 亚洲-印度
厂商 Konishi Industries LTD
联系人 特洛?奥迈德
电话 91-22-26311777(印度)13841517514(中国手机)
传真 91-22-26322777
网站 www.konishi.co.in
E-mail konishi@konishi.co.in
地址 Almeida Villa, Yari Road, Versova, Andheri Mumbai 400 061, India
详细内容 印度外商欲在中国采购电器(Electronics)


标题 印度外商欲在中国采购生丝、生纱
行业 纺织服饰
国别地区 亚洲-印度
厂商 Konishi Industries LTD
联系人 特洛?奥迈德
电话 91-22-26311777(印度)13841517514(中国手机)
传真 91-22-26322777
网站 www.konishi.co.in
E-mail konishi@konishi.co.in
地址 Almeida Villa, Yari Road, Versova, Andheri Mumbai 400 061, India
详细内容 印度外商欲在中国采购生丝、生纱(Raw silk yarn)


标题 英国公司进口厨房设备
行业 建材
国别地区 欧洲-英国
厂商 Cleland Group Ltd
联系人 Christian Mason
电话 020 7529 2323
E-mail info@clelandgroup.co.uk
详细内容 the surrounding kitchen units and surfaces, such as cornices, worktops, pelmets, plinths and cabinets. At the moment we have no immediate specifications as we are open to ideas: we could look at laminated, solid timber, veneered or polymer doors; composite worktops, solid timber worktops etc. We also need sink units, baths, and showers.


标题 比利时公司寻找曲别针厂商
行业 轻工

国别地区 欧洲-比利时
联系人 Maarten Van Reeth
电话 00 32 (0)56 43 85 59
传真 00 32 (0)56 43 85 60
网站 www.valcke-bowling.com
E-mail Maarten.VanReeth@valcke-bowling.com
地址 Menenstraat 423 , B-8560 Wevelgem, Belgim
详细内容 该公司希望寻找曲别针厂商为其特制曲别针。请感兴趣的中国公司与该公司直接联系。


标题 印度外商欲在中国采购羊绒纺纱,毛线,绒线
行业 纺织服饰

国别地区 亚洲-印度
厂商 Konishi Industries LTD
联系人 特洛?奥迈德
电话 91-22-26311777(印度)13841517514(中国手机)
传真 91-22-26322777
网站 www.konishi.co.in
E-mail konishi@konishi.co.in
地址 Almeida Villa, Yari Road, Versova, Andheri Mumbai 400 061, India
详细内容 印度外商欲在中国采购羊绒纺纱,毛线,绒线(Wool yarn)


标题 比利时展览工程公司Koch & Freiter寻求中国客户
行业 服务业
信息源 Email
国别地区 欧洲-比利时
厂商 Koch & Freiter Ewiv
联系人 Bernd Freiter先生
电话 0032 87 445756
传真 0031 43 3066994
网站 http://www.koch-freiter.com
E-mail info@koch-freiter.com
地址 Val de la Berwinne 8a. B-4890 Thimister-Clermont
详细内容 Koch & Freiter Ewiv是一家专业的展览工程公司,在比利时和德国有工厂,并能在欧洲范围内提供全方位的展台搭建服务。他们希望能为来欧洲参加各类展会的中国企业、机构提供服务,更希望与国内出国参展的各组织机构建立合作。


http://sina.hd.cn 2006-08-23 14:33:14 

标题 澳商求购榨油机
行业 综合交易

国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Pederick Engineering
联系人 Mr. Peter Plank
电话 +61 8 9736 1360
传真 +61 8 9736 1306
网站 www.albanygateway.com.au/member/pederick
E-mail pederick.eng@bigpond.com
详细内容 We are requesting contact with Chinese machinery manufactures who manufacture oil seed presses and if possible a palletizing system to convert the seed pulp into pellets, the seed would be mainly Canola;

The size presses would have a capacity of around 50kg/h to 250hg/h;

We anticipate using these presses in building bio diesel plants and selling as complete unit, if possible with the option of a pulp palletizing system attached;

We would in the first instance request full technical details of the presses and pelletizers plus photos and costs;

We would anticipate that when a satisfactory unit was located and payment system in place, we would purchase one unit; on arrival after inspection and trialing satisfactorily we anticipate placing reasonable quantity orders on an ongoing basis;

All information provided will be replied to, and we keep confidential, we hope that should a Chinese manufacture become our supplier the association we be a long and beneficial to both parties, and thank you for your time.


标题 澳商寻服装厂合作
行业 综合交易

国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Leggo Sewing Pty Ltd
联系人 Mr. Stephen Leggo
电话 +61 3 9416 2232
传真 +61 3 9415 1001
E-mail sleggo@connexus.net.au
详细内容 My company slecializes in stitching, shirring, scallop, pic stitch..etc. I am looking for joint venture or purchasing chance of clothing company in China.


标题 澳商寻金属加工厂合作
行业 综合交易

国别地区 大洋洲-澳大利亚
厂商 Lewis Australia Pty Ltd
联系人 Mr. Gordon C.Peters
电话 +61 3 9555 3666
传真 +61 3 9555 2207
网站 www.lewis.com.au
E-mail gpeters@lewis.com.au
详细内容 we are looking for suppliers to carry out work on various projects in the mechanical manufacturing industry, specifically in the fabrication industry(welding)/sheet metal industry.


标题 法公司寻塑料制品出口商
行业 轻工

国别地区 欧洲-法国
传真 0033 3 2033 3448, 0033 3 2057 2818
E-mail elhadiyin.moussa@neuf.fr
详细内容 该公司寻找塑料桌布及家用塑料制品的生产商和出口商。


标题 英国公司进口丝质领带
行业 纺织服饰
信息源 传真
国别地区 欧洲-英国
联系人 Jeremy Meus
电话 020 7231 8454,07939 101 395
传真 020 7231 8454
地址 31 Hobbs Court, 2 Jacob Street, London SE1 2BG
详细内容 silk neck ties

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