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  中文名稱 英文名稱 中文名稱 英文名稱
大管 2nd engineer, 1st engineer 絕對壓力 absolute pressure
二管 3rd engineer, 2nd engineer 作用面,壓力面,推進面(螺槳) acting (or driving) surface (or face)
三管 4th engineer, 3rd engineer 加力渦輪機 additional turbine
幹練船員 AB (= able-seaman) 可調[整]軸承 adjustable bearing
自動鍋爐控制 ABC (= automatic boiler control) [可]調[]距螺槳 adjustable pitch propeller
乙炔產生器 acetylene gas generator 可調軸承 adjustable shaft bearing
推進面(螺槳) acting surface 調整[用]軸承 adjusting block
前進速[率](螺槳) advance speed 調整螺栓 adjusting bolt
空氣螺槳 aerial propeller 前進速[率](螺槳) advance speed
空氣[螺槳]推進船 aerial propeller vessel 空氣推進器,空氣螺槳 aerial propeller
後冷卻器 after cooler 空氣[螺槳]推進船 aerial propeller vessel
空氣冷卻器 air cooler 空氣螺槳 aero-propeller (or aerial propeller)
空氣加熱器 air heater 空氣螺槳船 aero-propeller vessel
空氣加熱器 air heater 航空[轉用型氣]渦輪機 aero-turbine
中間空氣冷卻器 air inter cooler 最後部軸承 aftermost bearing
空氣預熱器 air preheater 正硨凸輪 ahead cam
空氣泵 air pump 正俥排氣凸輪 ahead exhaust cam
空氣泵臂 air pump lever 正硨點火凸輪 ahead ignition cam
警鈴,警鐘 alarm bell 正硨噴油凸輪 ahead injection cam
警報偵檢 alarm monitoring 正俥級(渦輪機) ahead stage
警報信號 alarm signal 正俥渦輪機 ahead turbine
警報溫度計 alarm thermometer 氣墊壓力 air cushion pressure
警報閥 alarm valve 空氣馬力 air horsepower
交流發電機 alternate current generator (or alternator) 空氣噴油柴油機 air injection diesel engine
沖灰泵 ash ejecting pump 空氣噴射壓力 air injection pressure
連體泵(引擎) attempted pump 空氣起動凸輪 air starting cam
音響警報 audible (or acoustic) alarm 許用壓力,容許壓力 allowable pressure
自動警報器 auto-alarm 交流發電機 alternate current generator (alternator)
自動緊急受信機 auto-alarm receiver 周圍壓力 ambient pressure
自動警報器 automatic alarm 壓力角(齒輪) angle of obliqrity
自動警報接收器 automatic alarm receiver 後傾角(螺槳) angle of skew back
自動鍋爐控制 automatic boiler control (ABC) 1)螺槳拱 2)孔,口 aperture
鍋爐自動控制系統 automatic boiler control system 實習輪機員 apprentice engineer
輔鍋爐 auxiliary boiler 裝甲螺栓 armour bolt
輔鍋爐艙 auxiliary boiler room 倒俥凸輪 astern cam
輔循環泵 auxiliary circulating pump 倒俥排氣凸輪 astern exhaust cam
輔給水泵 auxiliary feed pump 倒俥點火凸輪 astern ignition cam
輔助發電機 auxiliary generator 倒俥級(渦輪機) astern stage
軸流泵 axial flow pump 倒俥渦輪機 astern turbine
壓載泵 ballast pump 大氣壓力線 atmospheric line
艙底水,污水 bilge 大氣壓力 atmospheric pressure
污水圓[弧] bilge arc (or circle) 輔柴油機 auxiliary diesel engine
邊墩,部塢墩 bilge block 輔助發電機 auxiliary generator
污水板, 污水部艙底板 bilge board 軸流渦輪機 axial flow turbine
污水腋板 bilge bracket 軸向遞增螺距(螺槳) axial increasing pitch
污水部艙底板 bilge ceiling 背面(螺槳) back
污水部支柱(船台) bilge cod 背壓渦輪機 back pressure turbine
污水艙區 bilge compartment 後柱(主機) back-column or back housing
部結構 bilge construction 球軸承,滾珠軸承 ball bearing
污水抽射器 bilge ejector 滾珠止推軸承,滾珠推力軸承 ball thrust bearing
肋骨 bilge frame 1)棒,條,桿 2)型材 3)酒巴間 4)巴(壓力單位) bar
污水井 bilge hat 壓力計 bar gauge
污水抽射器 bilge injection 包爾瓦赫排汽渦輪機 Baure-Wach exhaust steam turbine
污水噴射閥 bilge injection valve 1)軸承 2)方位 bearing
舭龍骨 bilge keel 軸承銅襯 bearing brass
龍骨 bilge keel 軸承襯套 bearing bush
內舭龍骨 bilge keelson 軸承蓋 bearing cap (or keep)
部撐木(下水) bilge log 1)軸承力 2)承[面抗]力 bearing force
污水總管 bilge main 軸承合金 bearing metal
污水管 bilge pipe 1)承受壓力 2)軸承壓力 bearing pressure
板 bilge plank 軸承油環 bearing ring
[艇底]舭水塞 bilge plug 軸承台 bearing stand
污水泵 bilge pump 1)軸承溫度 2)承受溫度 bearing temperature
曲半徑 bilge radius [螺槳]船後效率 behind efficiency
外把手(救生艇) bilge rail [螺槳]船後試驗 behind test
部撐柱 bilge shore 制動馬力 BHP (= brake horsepower)
穩定翼側板 bilge strake 污水泵 bilge pump
縱肋 bilge stringer 黑皮螺栓 black bolt
污水吸入口 bilge suction 葉片止轉器(渦輪機) blade stopper
污水吸入箱 bilge suction box 裝葉,葉系(渦輪機) blading
水吸入管 bilge suction pipe 鼓風壓力計 blast air gauge
水櫃 bilge tank 分供渦輪機 bleeder turbine
帆船桅木 bilge timber 1)滑車 2)墩,砧,墊 3)軸承塊 4)船[體分]段 5)船段構體 block
污水部渦流 bilge vortex 鍋爐馬力 boiler horsepower
污水,艙底水 bilge water 鍋爐壓力 boiler pressure
污水井 bilge well 鍋垢 boiler scale
污水井 bilge well 螺栓 bolt
浸水艙間 bilged compartment 螺栓壓入器 bolt (or coupling) forcer
鼓風加熱器 blast heater 螺栓剪 bolt clippers
分供加熱器 bleeder heater 螺栓割刀 bolt cutter
水手長,帆纜上士 boatswain (or bosun) 螺栓頭 bolt head
1)鍋爐 2)汽鍋 boiler 螺栓接合 bolt joint
鍋爐座 boiler bearer (or saddle, or seating, or stool) 螺栓尖 bolt point
鍋爐承架 boiler bracket 螺栓墊 bolting pad
1)鍋爐殼 2)鍋爐棚 boiler casing 布頓管式壓力計 Bourdon tube pressure gauge
鍋爐隔熱板 boiler cladding 艏螺槳 bow propeller
[鍋]爐[周]圍間隙 boiler clearance 制動馬力 brake horsepower (BHP)
鍋爐[絕熱]包層 boiler clothing (or lagging) 制動馬力 brake horsepower (BHP)
鍋爐粉 boiler compound 制動平均有效壓力 brake mean effective pressure
鍋爐架 boiler cradle 制車馬力單位耗油量 brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC)
[鍋]爐鼓 boiler drum 組合螺槳 built up propeller
鍋爐效率 boiler efficiency 迸裂壓力 bursting pressure
汽鍋給水 boiler feed water 凸輪 cam
鍋爐附件,鍋爐屬具 boiler fittings 凸輪間隙 cam clearance
鍋爐石墨 boiler graphite 凸輪線圖 cam diagram
鍋爐馬力 boiler horsepower 凸輪從動件 cam follower
鍋垢 boiler incrustation 凸輪桿 cam lever
鍋爐襯套 boiler lagging (or clothing) 凸輪機構 cam mechanism
鍋爐製造廠 boiler maker 凸輪運動齒條 cam movement rack
鍋爐裝件 boiler mountings 凸輪環 cam ring
鍋爐油 boiler oil 凸輪滾子 cam roller
鍋爐台 boiler pedestal 凸輪滾子導具 cam roller guide
鍋爐板 boiler plate 凸輪軸 cam shaft
鍋爐壓力 boiler pressure 凸輪 cam wheel
鍋爐艙,鍋爐間 boiler room (or space) 壓力中心 center of pressure
鍋爐艙棚 boiler room casing 離心淨油機 centrifugal oil purifier
鍋爐艙開口 boiler room opening 給氣壓力 charged air pressure
鍋爐艙口 boiler room opening 充填壓力(氣壓檢查法) charging pressure
鍋爐座 boiler seating 防鬆螺栓 check bolt
鍋爐殼 boiler shell 1)總工程師 2)輪機長 chief engineer
鍋爐工場 boiler shop 圓頭槽螺栓 circular head grooved bolt
鍋爐拉條,鍋爐牽條 boiler stay 緊箝螺栓,結合螺栓 clenched (or clinched) bolt
鍋爐用鋼 boiler steel 組合燃氣渦輪機 COGOG (= combined gas turbine or gas turbine)
鍋爐座 boiler stool 環領軸承 collar bearing
鍋爐工作衣 boiler suit 環領止推軸承 collar thrust bearing
鍋爐架 boiler support 混式渦輪機 combination turbine
鍋爐試驗 boiler test 複合燃氣渦輪機 combined gas turbine and/or gas turbine (COGAG)
鍋爐試硨 boiler trial 組合衝動[式]渦輪機 combined impulse turbine
鍋爐管 boiler tube 複合渦輪機 combined turbine
爐管箍 boiler tube ferrule 燃燒壓力 combustion pressure
[鍋]爐水 boiler water 複激發電機 compound dynamo
鍋爐給水櫃 boiler water tank 1)複合規 2)漲縮錶 3)複合壓力計 compound gauge
蒸發液化瓦斯加熱器 boil-off gas heater 複激發電機 compound generator
中間加熱器 booster heater 複合衝動渦輪機 compound impulse turbine
增壓泵 booster pump 複式壓力計 compound pressure gauge
艏螺槳 bow propeller 複式渦輪機 compound turbine
鹵水冷卻器 brine cooler 壓縮壓力 compression pressure




2005-12-13 20:46 [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http://www.FanE.cn


等级: 五星级


第 3 楼

鹵水泵 brine pump 凝汽渦輪機 condensing turbine
斗泵 bucket pump 圓錐規(螺槳殼) cone gauge
組合螺槳 built up propeller [徑向]等[螺]距螺槳 constant pitch propeller
洗艙水加熱器 butterworth heater 導葉(螺槳) contra propeller
洗艙泵 butterworth pump 對轉螺槳 contra rotating propeller (CRP)
船長 captain 主機降額最大連續出力 contract MCR
[浸水式]乙炔發生器 carbide to water gas generator 對轉螺槳 contrarotating propeller
貨油泵 cargo oil pump [可]控[螺]距螺槳 controllable pitch propeller (CPP)
液貨泵 cargo pump 可控可逆螺槳 controllable-reversible pitch propeller
離心泵 centrifugal pump 聯結螺栓 coupling bolt
化學清洗泵 chemical cleaning pump 副水手長 Coxswain
報務主任 chief (or chief wireless) operator 曲[柄]軸承 crank shaft bearing
總工程師 輪機長 chief engineer 曲柄銷螺栓 crankpin bolt
大副 chief mate (or chief officer, or first officer) 臨界壓力 critical pressure
循環泵 circulating pump 並列二段渦輪機 cross-compound turbine
燃煤鍋爐 coal burning (or firing) boiler 反轉螺槳 CRP (= contra-rotating propeller)
燃煤鍋爐 coal firing boiler 巡航渦輪機 cruising turbine
齒輪泵 cogwheel pump 擺線凸輪 cycloidal cam
盤管鍋爐 coil boiler 柱形凸輪 cylindrical cam
盤管冷卻器 coiled pipe cooler 直流發電機 D.C. generator
組合加熱器 combination heater 柴油發電機 D/G (= diesel generator)
共通污水管 common bilge piping 甲板螺栓 deck bolt
複合鍋爐 composite boiler 遞減螺距螺槳 decreasing pitch propeller
複激發電機 compound generator 1)撓曲角 2)偏轉角(燃氣渦輪機) deflection angle
凝水泵 condensate pump 反動度(渦輪機) degree of reaction
定衝程噴油泵 constant-stroke injection pump 迪拉瓦淨油機 Delaval purifier
導葉(螺槳) contra propeller 傳達[螺槳]馬力 delivered horsepower (DHP)
逆流回熱器,逆流式再生器 contra-flow regenerator 傳達[螺槳]馬力 delivered horsepower (DHP)
對流加熱器 convection heater 輸出馬力,傳達[螺槳]馬力 delivered horsepower (or propeller horsepower)
冷卻泵(原子爐) coolant pump 輸出壓力 delivery pressure
冷卻器 cooler 主機降額最大連續出力 derated MCR
冷卻水泵 cooling water pump 降[低]額[定]馬力 derating
銅工,銅匠 coppersmith 直徑因數(螺槳) diameter factor
曲柄泵 crank pump 柴油機船 diesel boat
無曲軸泵 crankless (or non-crank) pump 柴油發電機 diesel dynamo
橫管鍋爐 cross tube boiler 柴油機電力推 diesel electric
攪刀式挖泥船 cutter pump dredger 柴油機電力推進 diesel electric drive (or propulsion)
缸[潤]滑油泵 cylinder lubricating pump 柴油機電力推進 diesel electric propulsion
筒狀鍋爐 cylindrical boiler 柴油機,柴油引擎 diesel engine
直流發電機 D.C. generator 柴油發電機 diesel generator (D/G)
柴油發電機 D/G (= diesel generator) 柴油機爆震 diesel knock
脫氣給水加熱器 deareating feed water heater 柴油機推進 diesel propulsion
艙面泵 deck pump 圓鼓式渦輪機 disc and drum turbine
深井泵 deep well pump 圓盤面積(螺槳) disc area
過熱回降器,減熱器 desuperheater 圓盤面積比(螺槳) disc area ratio (or area ratio)
膜片泵 diaphragm pump 圓盤注油軸承 disc-oiled bearing
擴散泵 diffuser pump 雙流渦輪機 double (or divided) flow turbine
直接污水吸口 direct bilge suction 1)吃水計 2)通風壓力計 draft gauge
直接火管鍋爐 direct fire tube boiler 手拉壓力歷程圖 draw card
副鍋爐 donkey boiler 推進面(螺槳) driving (or acting) surface
副泵 donkey pump 推進面(螺槳) driving face
雙動泵 double acting pump 1)鼓[筒]頭(渦輪機) 2)絞盤頭 drum head
雙頭鍋爐 double ended boiler 鼓級(渦輪機) drum stage
雙重管鹵水冷卻器 double pipe brine cooler 導筒螺槳 duct propeller
雙吸[式]泵 double suction pump 導罩螺槳 ducted propeller
飛輪泵 downton pump 壓入螺栓 dump bolt
冷凝水泵 drain pump 動[態]壓力 dynamic pressure
污水排洩 draining bilge 發電機 dynamo
挖泥泵 dredge pump 發電機引擎 dynamo engine
推進面(螺槳) driving surface 電動發電機 dynamotor
乾空氣泵 dry air pump 有效馬力 effective horsepower (EHP)
乾燃室鍋爐 dry combustion boiler 有效壓力 effective pressure
複式空氣泵 dual air pump 再生器效率(燃氣渦輪機) effectiveness of regenerator
雙泵 dual pump 流出角(燃氣渦輪機) efflux angle
雙缸泵 duplex pump 1)傾注冷卻 2)溢出冷卻(燃氣渦輪機) effusion cooling
愛德華泵 Edwards pump 彈性套筒軸承 elastic sleeve bearing
再生器效率(燃氣渦輪機) effectiveness of regenerator 發電機 electric generator
發電機 electric generator 電動發電機 electric motor generator
電熱器,電爐 electric heater 橢圓法則(燃氣渦輪機) ellipse law
電動發電機 electric motor generator 應急柴油發電機 emergency diesel dynamo
應急污水泵 emergency bilge pump 應急發電機 emergency dynamo
緊急消防泵 emergency fire pump 應急發電機 emergency generator
應急發電機 emergency generator 輪機部,機艙部 engine department
引擎警報盤 engine alarm panel 引擎壓緊螺栓 engine hold-down bolt
等值螺槳 equivalant screw 主機額定最大連續出力 engine MCR
廢氣鍋爐 exhaust boiler 輪機庫員 engine store keeper
快速鍋爐 express boiler 1)輪機員 2)工程師 engineer
外部減熱器 external desuperheater 輪機部 engineering department
外燃鍋爐 external firing boiler 輪機記事簿 engineer's log book
外燃鍋爐 external firing boiler 輪機辦公室 engineer's office
抽出泵 extraction pump 輪機倉庫 engineer's store
給水加熱器 feed heater 輪機員工作間 engineer's workshop
給水泵 feed pump 等值螺槳 equivalant screw
硫酸亞鐵噴射泵 ferrous sulfate injection pump 相當平均有效壓力 equivalent mean effective pressure
火警警報器 fire alarm 排氣凸輪 exhaust cam
火警警報系統 fire alarm system 排氣渦輪機 exhaust gas turbine
滅火泵,消防泵 fire pump 排[蒸]汽渦輪機 exhaust steam turbine
火管鍋爐 fire tube boiler 廢汽渦輪機 exhaust turbine
固定衝程泵 fixed stroke pump 出口角(渦輪機) exit angle
流動床[燃燒]鍋爐 fluidized bed firing (or combustion) boiler 伸展面積(螺槳) expanded area
飛輪泵 fly wheel pump 外壓力 external pressure
壓力泵 force pump 抽氣渦輪機 extration turbine
預冷器 fore cooler (or precooler) 環首螺栓 eye bolt
淡水冷卻器 fresh water cooler 壓力面螺距 face pitch
淡水泵 fresh water pump 螺栓墊圈 facing ring
始動燃油泵 fuel oil priming pump 飛羽化螺槳 feathering propeller
燃油泵 fuel oil pump 有限翼列(燃氣渦輪機) finite cascade
常用燃油泵 fuel oil service pump 燃燒壓力 firing pressure
氣體發生器 gas generator 鋸齒,葉片(燃氣渦輪機) fir-tree blade
齒輪泵 gear pump [固]定[螺]距螺槳 fixed pitch propeller (FPP)
緊急警報 general alarm 固定壓力噴水 fixed pressure water- spraying fire extinguishing system
一般應急警報系統 general emergency alarm system 平頭槽螺栓 flat head grooved bolt
通用泵,常用泵,雜用水泵 general service (GS) pump 柔性軸承 flexible bearing
1)發電機 2)產生器 generator 浮動軸承 floating frame bearing
發電機室 generator (or dynamo) room 流體壓力 fluid pressure
生成線 generator line 平頭螺栓 flush bolt
發電機功率定額 generator rating 殿緣,後緣(螺槳) following (or trailing) edge
檢漏警報器(電) ground detector alarm 壓力泵 force pump
手搖泵 hand (or manual) pump 壓力通風口 forced draft front
手動污水泵 hand bilge pump 壓力潤滑 forced lubrication
1)艏尖艙手 head pump 壓力潤滑器 forced lubricator
1)加熱器 2)暖爐 heater 底腳螺栓,基座螺栓 foundation bolt
絲極電流 heater current 固定螺距螺槳 FPP (= fixed pitch propeller)
取暖鍋爐 heating boiler 支點軸(內燃機) fulcrum shaft
傾側水泵 heeling pump 全馬力試 full power trial
海爾蕭泵 Hele-Shaw pump 全壓力 full pressure
1)高頻率發電機 2)高週波產生器 high frequency generator 燃氣渦輪機 gas turbine
高壓加熱器 high pressure heater 燃氣渦輪機船 gas turbine ship (GTS)
高壓直流發電機 high tension D.C. generator 錶壓力 gauge pressure
液壓泵 hydraulic pump 齒輪減速柴油機船 geared diesel boat
脈衝電壓產生器 impulse voltage generator 齒輪減速柴油機船 geared diesel vessel
焚化爐 incinerator-boiler 齒輪減速渦輪機 geared turbine
獨立污水吸口 independent bilge suction 發電機組 generating set
惰氣產生器 inert gas generator (IGG) 1)發電機 2)產生器 generator
中間凝卻器 intercooler 發電機室 generator (or dynamo) room
水套冷卻器 jacket water cooler 發電機功率定額 generator rating
噴射泵 jet pump 汽封排汽冷凝器(渦輪機) gland-exhauster condenser
救生艇底扶手 keel rail (or bilge rail) 導軸承 guide bearing
鍵合螺槳 keyed propeller 六角頭螺栓 hexagonal head bolt
無鍵螺槳 keyless propeller H型橫向振動(柴油機) H-form transverse vibration
動力空氣泵 kinetic air pump H型振動(主機) H-form vibration
動力泵 kinetic pump 1)高頻率發電機 2)高週波產生器 high frequency generator
低轉速大直徑螺槳 large slow-turning propeller 高頻率電動發電機 high frequency motor generator
導緣,前緣(螺槳) leading edge 高壓渦輪機 high pressure turbine
揚升泵 lift pump 高歪斜螺槳 high skew propeller
升力線(螺槳) lifting line 高壓直流發電機 high tension D.C. generator
低壓冷卻器 low pressure cooler 高歪斜螺槳 highly skewed propeller
低壓加熱器 low pressure heater H型力矩(主機) H-moment
低壓蒸氣產生器 low pressure steam generator (LPSG) 固定螺栓,壓緊螺栓 holding down bolt
低水位警報器 low water level alarm 鉤頭螺栓 hook bolt
舭彎部下緣 lower turn of bilge 水平特性(燃氣渦輪機) horizontal character- istics
[潤]滑油泵 lubricating oil (or lubricating) pump 馬力 horsepower
[潤]滑油冷卻器 lubricating oil cooler 馬力限制器 horsepower limiter
[潤]滑油泵 lubricating pump [螺槳]轂 hub (or boss)
主鍋爐 main boiler 靜水壓力 hydrostatic pressure
主發電機 main generator 靜水[壓力]試驗 hydrostatic test
手動警報系統,人工警報系統 manual alarm system 理想螺槳效率 ideal propeller efficiency
手動泵 manual pump (or hand pump) 點火器凸輪 igniter cam
船用鍋爐 marine boiler 點火凸輪 ignition cam
平均葉寬比(螺槳) mean width ratio 衝動反動渦輪機 impulse reaction turbine
水銀鍋爐 mercury boiler 衝動渦輪機 impulse turbine
混合燃燒鍋爐 mixed firing (or fuel burning) boiler 內向旋轉(螺槳) inboard turning
馬達發電機 motor generator 遞增螺距螺槳 increasing pitch propeller
泥漿泵 mud pump 指示馬力 indicated horsepower (IHP)
多盤管給水加熱器 multi-coil feed heater 指示平均有效壓力 indicated mean effective pressure
多流加熱器 multi-flow heater 初壓力 initial pressure
多螺槳船,多軸船 multiple screw ship 噴射凸輪,噴油凸輪 injection cam
多段泵 multi-stage pump 噴射壓力 injection pressure
多管鍋爐 multitubular boiler 螺槳支柱 inner (or propeller) post
無曲柄泵 non-crank (or crankless) pump 進氣壓力 intake pressure




2005-12-13 20:47 [广告] 如需转载,请注明来自:FanE『翻译中国』http://www.FanE.cn


等级: 五星级


第 4 楼

非均等節距螺槳 non-uniform pitch propeller 中壓渦輪機 intermediate pressure turbine
無電壓警報 no-volt alarm 中間軸軸承 intermediate shaft bearing
噴嘴螺槳 nozzle propeller 內燃機 internal combustion engine
加油長 number one oiler 內燃機工場 internal combustion engine shop
增壓油泵 oil booster pump 內燃機工場 internal combustion engine shop
燃油鍋爐 oil burning boiler 千斤頂螺栓,頂起螺栓 jack bolt
油冷[卻]器 oil cooler [軸]頸軸承 journal bearing
冷卻油泵 oil cooling pump 克爾麥軸承 Kelmet bearing
燃油鍋爐 oil firing boiler 大螺栓 king bolt
油加熱器 oil heater 寇特 [ 噴嘴導罩 ] 螺槳 Kort nozzle propeller
油泵 oil pump 側向壓力 lateral pressure
油櫃泵 oil tank pump 下水壓力 launching pressure
1)油船 2)加油工 oiler 導緣,前緣(螺槳) leading edge
螺槳單獨效率 open water propeller efficiency 洩漏葉端洩漏(渦輪機) leak (or leakage) tip leak
單獨試驗(螺槳) open water test 漏汽室(渦輪機) leak chamber
作動油泵 operating oil pump 起重螺栓 lifting bolt (or screw)
橢圓鍋爐 oval boiler 升力面(螺槳) lifting surface
翻修,大修 overhaul 壓力線 line of pressure
大修檢查 overhaul inspection 低壓渦輪機 low pressure turbine
重疊型螺槳 overlapping propeller 輪機艤裝 machinery fitting
組合鍋爐 packaged boiler 輪機室,機艙 machinery room (or space)
並流熱交換器 parallel flow heat exchanger (or regenerator) 輪機規範 machinery specification
螺槳船體渦空泡 PHV (= propeller-hull vortex cavitation) 機械重量,輪機重量 machinery weight
活塞冷卻油泵 piston cooling oil pump 主軸承 main bearing
活塞冷卻泵 piston cooling pump 主機冷凝器 main condenser
活塞式泵 piston pump 主機 main engine
活塞下部泵作用 piston underside pumping (PUP) 主機座,主機台 main engine bed (or seat)
節距速率(螺槳) pitch speed 主機排氣 main exhaust
柱塞泵 plunger pump 主發電機 main generator
空氣管式火警系統 pneumatic tube fire alarm system 液體壓力計 manometer
移動式泵 portable pump 輪機 marine engine
1)功率因素(電) 2)出力係數(螺槳) power factor 輪機員,輪機工程師 marine engineer
動力泵 power pump 船用渦輪機 marine turbine
預熱器 preheater 最大燃燒壓力 maximum combustion pressure
壓力空氣泵 pressure air pump 最大工作壓力 maximum working pressure
壓力泵 pressure pump 平均有效壓力 mean effective pressure
起動注給泵 priming pump 平均壓力 mean pressure
推進器,螺槳 propeller 水銀渦輪機 mercury turbine
螺槳帽 propeller (or fairwater) cap 公制馬力 metric horsepower (or Pferdstaerke)
螺槳馬力 propeller (or screw) horsepower 米契爾止推軸承 Michell thrust bearing
螺槳拱 propeller aperture 混壓渦輪機 mixed pressure turbine
螺槳面積比 propeller area ratio 馬達發電機 motor generator
螺槳背部 propeller back 內燃機船 motor ship (or vessel)
螺槳鼓風機 propeller blower 內燃機油輪 motor tanker (MT)
螺槳效率 propeller efficiency 內燃機船 motor vessel (or ship) (MV, or MS)
螺槳[模]隨艉試驗 propeller experiment behind model 活動環軸承 movable collar bearing
螺槳[模]單獨試驗 propeller experiment in open water 多柴油機推進 multi-diesel propulsion
螺槳正面 propeller face 多壓渦輪機 multi-pressure turbine
螺槳風扇 propeller fan 海軍輪機官,海軍輪機員 naval engineer
螺槳填料 propeller filler 淨馬力 net horsepower
安裝螺槳壓擠力 propeller fitting force ( or push up load) 公稱馬力 NHP (= nominal horsepower )
螺槳沒水深度 propeller immersion 標稱馬力 nominal horsepower (NHP)
螺槳定律 propeller law 主機額定最大連續出力 nominal MCR
螺槳負荷試驗 propeller loading test 無壓力焊接 non-pressure welding
螺槳鎖帽 propeller nut N輪葉(渦輪機) normal blade
螺槳柱 propeller post 常用馬力 normal horsepower
螺槳壓力面 propeller pressure side 標稱壓力 norminal pressure
螺槳泵 propeller pump 螺帽螺栓規 nut and bolt gauge
安裝螺槳壓擠量 propeller push up distance 斜度桿(柴油機) obliquity rod
螺槳軸轉速計 propeller shaft revolution indicator 油浴艉軸管軸承 oil bath type stern tube bearing
螺槳鳴音 propeller singing 油潤式艉軸管軸承 oil lubricated stern tube bearing
螺槳轉速 propeller speed 淨油機,淨油器 oil purifier
螺槳支架 propeller strut 油櫃泵 oil tank pump
螺槳吸力面 propeller suction side 開式軸承,敞軸承 open type bearing
螺槳表面 propeller surface 填隙片(渦輪機) packing piece (or caulking piece)
螺槳推力 propeller thrust 並流渦輪機 parallel flow turbine
螺槳警示燈 propeller warning signal light 公制馬力 Pferdstaerke (PS)
螺槳背傾 propeller wash back 軸道軸承 pillow block (or tunnel shaft bearing)
螺槳船體渦空泡 propeller-hull vortex cavitation (PHV) 軸承 pillow block bearing
泵 pump 活塞冷卻水泵 piston cooling water pump
泵引擎 pump (or pumping) engine 樞軸承 pivot bearing
泵胴 pump barrel 艉浮揚[前抱台]壓力(下水) pivotting pressure
泵體 pump chamber 充氣壓力計 plenum gauge
泵吸挖泥船 pump dredger 充氣壓力計 plenum gauge
泵桿 pump lever 中間軸承[台] plumber block (or plumber)
泵室 pump room 多變效率(氣渦輪機) polytropic efficiency
抽排水佈置圖 pumping and drainage plan 托架壓力(下水) poppet pressure
泵送圖 pumping plan 洩氣壓力(安全閥) popping pressure
活塞下部泵作用 PUP (= piston underside pumping) 燃料馬力 potential horsepower
油灰泵 putty pump 壓力 pressure
四螺槳船 quadruple screw vessel 壓力潤滑器 pressure (or forced) lubricator
舵工 quarter master 壓力水櫃 pressure (or hydrophore) tank
輻射鍋爐 radiant (or radiation) boiler 壓力空氣泵 pressure air pump
輻射過熱器 radiation superheater 壓力角 pressure angle
報務員 radio (or wireless) operator 壓力係數 pressure coefficient
1)斜度 2)耙 3)後傾(螺槳) rake 複壓渦輪機 pressure compounded turbine
1)斜度角 2)後傾角(螺槳) rake angle 壓力容器 pressure container
1)斜度率 2)後傾率(螺槳) rake ratio 壓力曲線 pressure curve
往復泵 reciprocating pump 壓力降 pressure drop
方形鍋爐 rectangular boiler 壓力計 pressure gauge
再生式空氣加熱器 regenerative air heater 壓力落差 pressure head
再生器 regenerator 壓力殼(潛艇) pressure hull
再熱器 reheater 壓力計程儀 pressure log
電熱器 resistance heater 壓力損失係數 pressure loss coefficient
回焰鍋爐,回管鍋爐 return flame (or return tube) boiler 壓力泵 pressure pump
可變螺距螺槳 reversible pitch propeller 壓力比 pressure ratio
煮飯汽鍋 rice boiler 壓力開關 pressure switch
右旋螺槳 right hand propeller 壓力試驗 pressure test
1)右旋螺槳 2)右旋螺釘 right hand screw 壓力發熱焊接 pressure thermit welding
鉚釘加熱爐 rivet heater 壓速複式渦輪機 pressure velocity compound turbine
龍骨 rolling chock (or bilge keel) 壓力容器 pressure vessel
魯氏泵 Roots pump 1)壓力焊接 2)鍛接 pressure welding
旋轉式空氣泵 rotary air pump 壓[力]時[間]圖,壓力歷程圖 pressure-time diagram
旋轉泵 rotary pump 螺槳馬力 propeller (or screw) horsepower
轉鼓式熱交換器 rotary-drum regenerator 螺槳效率 propeller efficiency
圓型船 round bilge 螺槳隨艉試驗 propeller experiment behind model
安全警報器 safety alarm 螺槳單獨試驗 propeller experiment in open water
水手,海員 sailor 螺槳壓力面 propeller pressure side
[泵式]抽砂船 sand pump dredger 泵葉斗 pump bucket
衛生水泵 sanitary pump 1)淨油機 2)淨化器 3)淨化劑 purifier
驅氣泵 scavenging pump 推桿(柴油機) push rod
火管鍋爐,蘇格蘭鍋爐 Scotch boiler 推動閥(柴油機) push valve
1)螺槳 2)螺釘 3)螺旋 screw 壓力容積線圖 PV (= pressure volume) diagram
螺槳馬力 screw (or propeller) horsepower (PHP) 徑向軸承 radial bearing
螺槳拱 screw aperture 徑向流渦輪機 radial flow turbine
螺槳流 screw current 額定馬力 rated horsepower
螺槳護架 screw guard 反動渦輪機 reaction turbine
1)螺槳節距 2)螺距 screw pitch 絞孔螺栓 reamer (or rimer) bolt
螺槳 screw propeller 主機換裝 re-engine
螺旋泵 screw pump 再生式渦輪機 regenerative turbine
螺槳船 screw ship 註冊馬力,登記馬力 registered horsepower
海水泵 sea water pump 釋放壓力 release pressure
海員,船員 seaman 倒俥渦輪機 reversing (or astern) turbine
二副 second mate (or officer) 絞孔螺栓 rimer bolt
分節鍋爐 section boiler 帶環螺栓 ring bolt
分節式鍋爐 sectional boiler 環圈潤滑軸承 ring lubrication bearing
自激式發電機 self excited generator 鉚接壓力 riveting pressure
自注泵 self-priming pump 滾子軸承 roller bearing
他激式發電機 separately excited generator 滾子凸輪 roller cam
穢物泵 sewage pump 轉子筒(渦輪機) rotor drum
蒸氣發生器 SG (= steam generator) 圓頭槽螺栓 round head grooved bolt
軸發電機馬達 SGM (= shaft generator motor) 舵軸承 rudder bearing
軸發電系統 SGS (= shaft generator system) 舵桿環首螺栓 rudder eye
軸驅動泵 shaft driven pump 軸承 rudder gudgeon (or brace)
移送泵 shifting pump 定壓定容混式循環(柴油機) sabathe cycle
罩筒螺槳 shrouded propeller 飽和壓力 saturation pressure
分繞發電機 shunt wound generator 螺槳馬力 screw (or propeller) horsepower (PHP)
單缸泵 simple pump 螺栓 screw bolt
囂音螺槳 singing propeller 馬力餘裕 sea margin (SM)
單動泵 single acting pump 海水潤滑艉軸管軸承 sea water lubricated stern tube bearing
單頭鍋爐 single ended boiler 自動對準滾珠軸承 self aligning ball bearing
單螺槳船 single screw ship 自動式淨油機 self cleaning type oil purifier
單螺槳船 single screw ship 自激式發電機 self excited generator
單螺槳船 single screw vessel 自潤軸承 self lubricating bearing
單級泵 single stage pump 高級工程師,高級輪機員 senior engineer
單吸[口]泵 single suction pump 他激式發電機 separately excited generator
單頭鍋爐 single-ended boiler 分離器,淨油機(歐洲) seperator
單腳螺槳架 single-leg propeller strut 串流型渦輪機 series flow turbine
深水泵,沉入式泵 sinking (or submerged) pump 串繞發電機 series wound dynamo
掠曲螺槳,歪斜螺槳 skewed propeller 定位螺栓 service bolt
細管鍋爐 small tube boiler 定位螺栓,固定螺栓 set bolt
煙管火警系統 smoke pipe fire alarm system 調定壓力 settling pressure
煙管鍋爐 smoke tube boiler 軸發電機馬達 SGM (= shaft generator motor)
煙管式火警裝置 smoke tube type fire alarm system 接環螺栓 shackle bolt
整體螺槳 solid propeller 軸承 shaft bearing
1)弦周比(螺槳) 2)固性 solidity 軸發電機馬達 shaft generator motor (SGM)
螺旋螺槳 spiral propeller 吊式軸承 shaft hanger
噴水泵 spray pump 軸馬力 shaft horsepower (SHP)
備用泵 stand-by pump 軸承台 shaft stool
蒸氣鍋爐 steam boiler 分繞發電機 shunt wound generator
蒸氣產生器 steam generator 單級減速齒輪渦輪機 single reduction geared turbine
蒸汽加熱器,蒸汽暖爐 steam heater 摩擦馬力 skin horsepower
蒸汽再熱器 steam reheater 滑動式凸輪系統 sliding cam shaft system
蒸氣過熱器 steam superheater 滑動螺栓 slip bolt
蒸汽渦輪發電機 steam turbogenerator 馬力餘裕 SM (= sea margin)
直通加熱器 straight flow heater 圓頭槽螺栓 snap head grooved bolt
直通加熱器 straight flow heater 整體軸承 solid bearing
殘油泵,收艙泵 stripping pump 實體凸輪 solid cam
次空泡螺槳 subcavitating propeller 比馬力 specific power
沉水泵,沉入式泵 submerged (or sinking) pump 主機降額最大連續出力 specified MCR
深水泵,沉入式泵 submergeol pump 1)速率 2)船速 3)[主機]轉速 speed
潛水泵 submersible (or submerged ) pump 球面軸承 spherical bearing
吸入泵 suction pump 溢損(渦輪機) spill loss
超高壓鍋爐 super high pressure boiler 溢制(渦輪機) spill strip
超空蝕螺槳 supercavitating propeller 溢流閥(柴油機燃料泵) spill valve
增壓泵 supercharging pump 彈簧軸承 spring bearing
過熱器 superheater 方頭螺栓 square head bolt
表面冷卻器 surface cooler 級效率(渦輪機) stage efficiency
同步發電機 synchronous generator 級壓力 stage pressure
渦輪發電機 T/G (= turbo generator) 停滯壓力 stagnation pressure
重疊螺槳 tandem propeller 標準壓力 standard pressure
洗艙泵 tank cleaning pump 靜燃料消耗量(渦輪機) static fuel consumption
大修間隔時間 TBO (= time between overhaul) 靜壓力 static pressure
三副 third officer 拉條螺栓,螺撐 stay bolt
大修間隔時間 time between overhaul (TBO 蒸汽渦輪機 steam turbine
定時燃油泵 timed fuel pump 蒸汽渦輪發電機 steam turbogenerator
無[葉]尖渦螺槳 tip-vortex-free (TVF) propeller 艉軸套軸承 stern tube bearing
輸送泵 transfer pump 直流複合式(渦輪機) straight compound
俯仰水泵 trimming pump 艉軸支架軸承 strut bearing
三螺槳船 triple screw ship 螺樁,無頭螺栓 stud bolt
三缸泵 triplex pump 吸入壓力 suction pressure
擺線泵 trochoid pump 同步發電機 synchronous generator

水管鍋爐,火管鍋爐 tubular (or water tube) boiler 渦輪發電機 T/G (= turbo generator)
渦輪泵 turbine pump 1)帶頭螺栓 2)自攻螺栓 tap bolt
渦輪泵 turbine pump 螺栓鉚釘 tap rivet (or stud)
渦輪發電機 turbo generator (T/G) 推拔螺栓,錐形螺栓 taper (or tapered) bolt
彎部 turn of bilge 錐形螺栓 tapered bolt
雙螺槳船 twin screw ship 試驗壓力 test pressure
雙螺槳船 twin screw vessel 推力馬力 THP (= thrust horsepower)
雙葉螺槳 two bladed propeller 三軸承小齒輪 three bearing pinion
二[段螺]距螺槳 two pitch propeller 咽喉螺栓 throat bolt
雙額定點泵 two rated points pump 貫穿螺栓 through bolt
二速泵 two speed pump 推力馬力 thrust horsepower (THP)
雙腳螺槳支架 two-leg propeller strut 繫緊螺栓 tie bolt
單柱塞噴射泵 unit pump (or single plunger unit pump) 葉端洩漏(渦輪機) tip leak
彎部上緣 upper turn of bilge [扭轉]馬力計 torsion meter
U形管式加熱器 U-tube heater 總壓力 total pressure
真空泵 vacuum pump 拖纜馬力 tow rope horsepower
風車式螺槳 vane propeller 殿緣,後緣(螺槳) trailing edge
輪葉泵 vane pump 筒塞機(柴油機) trunk engine
[徑向]變距螺槳 variable pitch propeller [中間]軸承 tunnel shaft bearing (or plumber, or plumber block)
可變速泵 variable speed pump 渦輪機 turbine
可變衝程泵 variable stroke pump 渦輪機葉系 turbine blading
[徑向]變距螺槳propeller) varying pitch propeller (or non-uniform pitch 渦輪機殼 turbine casing (or cylinder)
垂軸螺槳,擺線螺槳 vertical axis (or cycloidal, or vorth- schneider) propeller 渦輪機殼 turbine cylinder
立式鍋爐 vertical boiler 渦輪機消壓輪 turbine dummy
可視警報 visible alarm 渦輪機減速齒輪 turbine reduction gear
可視聽警報[器] visible and audible alarm 渦輪機轉子 turbine rotor
垂直翼螺槳 voith-schneider propeller 渦輪機船 turbine ship (TS)
渦捲泵 volute pump 渦輪機輪船 turbine steamer
渦流柱(螺槳) vortex cylinder 蒸汽渦輪機船 turbine steamer (TS)
適跡[流]螺槳 wake adapted propeller 渦輪機葉輪 turbine wheel
甲板沖洗泵 wash deck pump 渦輪機電力推進 turbo electric propulsion
餘熱鍋爐 waste heat boiler 渦輪發電機 turbo generator
廢油泵 waste oil pump 渦輪發電機 turbo generator (T/G)
供水泵 water service pump 二凸輪軸型(反轉裝置) twin cam shaft type
水管鍋爐 water tube boiler U形螺栓 U-bolt
造波機 wave maker (or generator) 軸承極限能力 ultimate bearing capacity
韋爾泵 Weir's pump U形管壓力計 U-tube pressure gauge
再生水(復水)泵 wesco pump 可變衝程噴射泵 variable stroke injection pump
濕燃室鍋爐 wet combustion chamber boiler 複速渦輪機 velocity compound turbine
水車化螺槳 windmilling propeller 黏度壓力係數 viscosity-pressure coefficient
翼泵 wing pump 水力制動馬力計 water brake dynamometer
外側螺槳 wing screw propeller 水冷[式]軸承 water cooled bearing
下手 wiper 水馬力 water horsepower (WHP)
衛盛頓泵 Worthington pump 船台端壓力 way end pressure
誤操作警報 wrong operation alarm 重量馬力比 weight-horsepower ratio
無推力節距(螺槳) zero thrust pitch 1)焊接壓力 2)鍛接壓力 welding pressure
無扭矩節距(螺槳) zero torque pitch 濕式空氣泵 wet air pump
X型振動(主機) X-form vibration 水馬力 WHP (= water horsepower)
X型力矩(主機) X-moment 功比(燃氣渦輪機) work ratio
工作壓力 working pressure


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